Represent Clothing

How Represent Scaled TikTok by 277% and Drove Long-Lasting Revenue & ROAS Growth


Represent, a contemporary streetwear brand, has rapidly grown into a leading brand in the fashion industry. With a loyal customer base in the UK, Represent wanted to take their brand to the next level – but were facing a bottleneck with their current attribution.

Equipped with Fospha's data, Represent had the confidence to scale their TikTok spend over the Black Friday period with incredible results.

Let's see how they did it.


Represent Clothing

Image Credit: Represent

Fospha revealed the true impact of paid social

Represent previously used Northbeam for attribution, which suggested very little potential for Paid Social.

Sceptical of the results,  Represent sought to view performance through a different lens. They turned to Fospha, which combines the best of MTA & MMM to measure the full impact of both clicks and impressions.

Represent joined Fospha in October 2023 and within 28 days of signing were onboarded with a year of historic data modelled, revealing the true value of their upper funnel channels.

Google had been slightly overvalued, while Meta and TikTok had been significantly undervalued. The impact was most profound for TikTok with a 380% higher ROAS than Northbeam reported.​

With Fospha, Represent Achieved +71% Blended Revenue Growth YoY, While Improving Blended ROAS

Empowered by the exciting results in Fospha, Represent gained the confidence to start scaling TikTok over the Black Friday period. ByNovember, Represent increased TikTok spend 2.3X. This strategy was successful, contributing significantly to YoY blended revenue growing by 71% for the month of November.

The wins didn’t stop in November. Even when spend returned to normal levels post-Black Friday, Represent continued to gain strong conversion numbers through TikTok. In December 2023, they had 66% higher TikTok conversions than in the previous December.

This approach was ultimately their strongest lever for Black Friday and Cyber Monday success. Harrison Kirkness, Digital Marketing Manager at Represent, tells us:

Scale Spend in TikTok
Fospha Graphic
"Before Fospha, we considered turning TikTok off, as we had no evidence of its impact. Once we saw that 380% higher ROAS – we followed the signals and ramped spend for Black Friday. The results were massive – we saw a bump in revenue even at blended level, and TikTok is now one of our top channels for consistent demand gen."
Harrison Kirkness
Digital Marketing Manager, Represent

Seizing the TikTok Opportunity in the US Market

Scale Spend, Improve ROAS

TikTok had a particularly efficient impact in the US, where scaling spend by 65% in 2023 improved ROAS by 17% for the platform.

It’s rare to see spend and ROAS grow simultaneously – but with Represent’s sophisticated TikTok strategy, balancing higher and lower funnel and nailing creatives, they achieved incredible results.

This opportunity is particularly exciting given the US’ wide audience and higher AOVs, with Represent’s US AOV sitting 36% higher than their global average, demonstrating the huge revenue opportunity in this market.

For Represent, TikTok evolved from a channel they initially considered turning off when looking at Northbeam’s data, into one of their strongest growth levers, both domestically and internationally.

Adopting accurate attribution through Fospha enabled this success. TikTok now makes up a sizeable proportion of Represent’s channel spend, from 8% in 2022 up to 17% in 2023.

As Represent’s influence continues to grow, the value of their investment in TikTok shows no sign of slowing down, with TikTok-attributed monthly revenue growing by 28% over the course of Q1 2024. Watch this space!


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