
Interview Series #2:

Fospha asks Neil Campbell, Chief Growth Officer at Smol, to share his playbook on how to grow an eCommerce brand.


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Fospha and Neil Campbell: Interview Series #2
Fopsha asked Neil Campbell to share his secrets on how to grow an eCommerce brand.

Isobel: Hi, I'm Izzy, head of customer success here at Fospha. And today I'm talking to Neil Campbell, chief growth officer at Small. Neil's had an amazing career, including time at Amazon, Betfair, Naked Wines, and Moneybox.

And today we have the pleasure of Neil in the studio, who's going to be talking to us and sharing all of that ecommerce experience with us and you. So let's get started.

Hi, Neil, thank you for joining us.

Neil: Hi, nice to be here.

Isobel: Cool. So let's get into it. What do you do first when you join a new brand and what's your three-month playbook?

Neil: It's an interesting one and reason relevant. I've now been Small for a year, so some of this stuff is still kind of fresh in my mind, but I guess there are multiple levels to it. One is obviously you got to assess the team first. 

You got to come in and sort of say, what are the resources that we have and is there any kind of major gaps that we need to kind of COVID given that where we are? So, for example, at Small, when I turned up, we had no data analysts, which in a kind of growth world was, okay, we really do need some data analysts to understand how customers are behaving and what's working and what's not. So that was sort of start the hiring process on that and get that moving.

Then once you get into the actual sort of individual marketing activities, it's a bit more of kiss, okay, what channels are we working on, what's working, what's not working? What have we tried? Have we really tried it? What did we learn?

Those sort of things of kind of going through the checklist of what might work. The challenge very much at Small was like, a lot of kind of startups had done very well on Meta, on So, Facebook and Instagram, but with iOS four team had sort of hit the challenges there and generally had a kind of desire to diversify. So those are some of the things that we identified in the first few months. And then it was a case of, okay, well, how do we put in that kind of culture of, like, testing this stuff properly, really getting good answers, and then knowing what we can sort of lean on and what we can't?

Isobel: Yeah, awesome.Hitting on some big topics that we see across all of our clients there.




Can I try Fospha for free?

At Fospha, we're so confident in the value of our solution that we offer everyone the chance to try the platform at absolutely no risk. That means that if you're not happy for any reason in the first month of working together we'll give you a full refund - no questions asked.
How are we able to be so confident? It's simple: we know from years of working with the best eCommerce brands in the world that we offer the best & fastest onboarding in the industry. That means that the average customer gets live dashboards within just one week. We also know that our modelling is the best in the market, so we're confident that once you get into the platform and see how well Meta and TikTok are really working, you won't want to turn it off.

Aren't attribution tools difficult to set up?

Traditionally, yes! That's one of the reasons we built Fospha - so that brands without the time or budget to take on Enterprise-level data projects could still have access to gold standard measurement.
Fospha is quick and easy to go live, and in most cases doesn't even require input from your tech team!

Do I need technical support to go live with Fospha?

Fospha is designed to make set up and integration quick and easy.
Especially if you're using out of the box platforms like Shopify, Magento or WooCommerce, the only setup that is required is granting Fospha access to your systems so we can pull the data we need to run our models. For most people this takes 15 minutes of non-technical setup time.
Even if you're using a custom setup or headless eCommerce system, we make it quick and easy to get started - you will just need to schedule a daily report from your backend system to be delivered via S3.
All the rest of the magic happens on the back end - Fospha automatically cleans, reconciles and models your data to present a single, simple view of performance that you can trust.

How do I know your model is accurate?

Fospha's model incorporates a rigorous QA process every day, selecting a best-fit set of model parameters for each client and then precisely testing them until it produces an outcome which exceeds our high accuracy threshold.
We also have QA checks to make sure that the data we are being passed from your systems is flowing smoothly, and alert customers in case a change you've made has caused an issue with your Google Analytics or Ads Manager setup.
Lastly, there is a human layer to our QA - by surfacing multiple attribution models in the dashboards, we can make sure that the data our model produces passes an eye test.

Which channels does Fospha measure?

Put simply: if it's digital, we measure it.
We integrate visit and conversion data from all your sources as standard, and add it to our model. We think this is essential - if your attribution platform will only integrate some of your digital marketing data, it only has a partial view of performance.
That means we measure your click-based channels like Paid Search, Shopping, Pmax and Affiliate. It also means we measure channels that deliver their value through impressions, like Meta, TikTok, Pinterest and Youtube.

How long does it take to go live?

Fospha is super easy to get live - the average customer spends just 15 minutes setting the platform up. That time goes on getting Fospha the Account and API access we need to connect to your key systems to our platform.
Once that is done, the Fospha team get busy getting your data cleaned and integrated into the platform, and running our modelling. That process takes about a week on average, so it's not long from when you sign up to when you can first start using the platform.
Fospha remodel 12 months of historic data for our clients too, so you can immediately see how your spend has really been performing - no need to wait while the platform gathers data!

How long does it take to start getting value from Fospha?

The average Fospha customer is using live dashboards within a week of signing up.
When you get your dashboards, our team will highlight the things we think you should be doing differently this month using Fospha's modelling of your last 12 months' data. From here, all you need to do pick one thing to do differently that month - we know from experience that customers who do this every month find it easy to justify the investment in the platform.
Of course, in the first 6 months of working together most of our customers go far beyond this, using Fospha to power their strategy, internal reporting and all their tactical optimizations too. But that's just upside. For us, it comes back to deciding to do just one thing differently in your first month of using Fospha.

Is Fospha privacy safe?

Absolutely - Fospha is built privacy-first, and doesn't rely on invasive user-level tracking to feed our models. That's why our impressions measurement wasn't affected by iOS 14, and it's why brands using Fospha will always have the edge on those that rely on pixels to track their customers.

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