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How Nutrimuscle Scaled TikTok by 390% to Drive Efficient Revenue Growth

Nutrimuscle, a rapidly growing French sports supplements brand, started using Fospha in June 2023 to gain full-funnel visibility of their key metrics and campaign performance.
Fospha's data highlighted the untapped potential of TikTok, which had been undervalued by Google Analytics' click-based modelling. Empowered by Fospha's insights, Nutrimuscle scaled their TikTok ad spend significantly with remarkable results.
Here's how they did it.
Nutrimuscle Products

Image Credit: Nutrimuscle

Last click undervalues TikTok

Revealing TikTok's Hidden Potential

Fospha’s data highlighted the untapped potential of Nutrimuscle’s TikTok advertising which was severely undervalued by last click attribution models.

In fact, from January to June 2024, Google Analytics was only able to capture 0.8% of revenue driven by TikTok. Without Fospha, this would leave Nutrimuscle with a blind spot of >99% of their TikTok performance.

Scaling TikTok For Efficient Growth

Empowered by Fospha’s data, Nutrimuscle began to scale TikTok spend at the start of 2024, scaling spend by 390% over 6 months, tripling TikTok's percentage share of total spend

Not only did channel revenue grow by an astounding 5X, but it did so while maintaining incredible revenue efficiency, with ROAS growing by 8%.

While we would commonly observe an increase in CAC as channel spend is scaled, TikTok retained a stable CAC after Nutrimuscle began scaling spend in January, continuing to reach new customers efficiently at higher spend levels.

TikTok CAC remains stable


Conversions YoY


Channel Revenue YoY

Improvements can also be seen at the blended level, with total conversions growing by 18% YoY for January-June, and the proportion of new conversions up 10% YoY as Nutrimuscle reaches more first-time customers. 

TikTok is undoubtedly one of the strongest drivers of this YoY growth in conversions, and particularly new conversions, with 60% of conversions from TikTok being first-time customers

Nutrimuscle's story is a testament to the risks of relying solely on click-based measurement and the potential for missing out on significant opportunities in impressions-based channels like TikTok. By scaling their spend on TikTok, Nutrimuscle unlocked incredible returns, demonstrating success both at the channel level and in blended metrics. This strategic move allowed them to achieve impressive growth without compromising on efficiency.

As they continue to see great results, Nutrimuscle shows no signs of slowing down their investment in TikTok, with channel spending up 20% from April to May. Their journey highlights the importance of measurement that accounts for impressions and the rewards that come from testing high-potential channels. We look forward to seeing what’s next for Nutrimuscle as they as they remain committed to building a data-driven channel mix.

Nutrimuscle Campaign

Image Credit: Nutrimuscle

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